“”All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.””
To start, I wanted to thank you every single one of you for the 300.000 subscribers we reached a few days ago. I would have never expected getting this far and I want to thank you all for making this dream come true.
As many and many of you, I grew up watching the Walt Disney Animation movies. I have no words to explain how much these movies means a lot to me. They made my life better and are a place I can find comfort at any moments. I wanted to make this video for a while, but I finally found the time to sit on my chair, to grab a cup of coffee and editing it. I gave a lot to the video, I did my best and probably never worked this hard, and I hope it will please every Disney fans out there.
*Music: Audiomachine – Promise to Keep
*Music2: Audiomachine – Remains of the Sun
*Music3: Audiomachine – All that we are
*Music4: Really Slow Motion – Awakening Hearts
*Patreon :
*Discord :
A list of people who makes this work possible:
Zachary Tepe, Joel Mendoza, Justin Perry, Kerem Durdag, Krish Patel, Lucas Hotle, Maddy Winkel, Mark W Hall, Mark Wilson, Matthew Mohl, Michel Steiger, Miglė Stankevičiūtė, Mike Drum, Nicolas Alexander, Nnobody, Paul Coker, Phantom X0X, Sean Whitesides, SheVitus, Simon Sgroi, The Rusty Lion, themostlegitness, Tyler Lewis, Victor Hinz, Aidan King, Alexander Burns, Alexander Minster, Allen Elliott, amator95, Andrew7912, Anthony Gallego, Audrey Dalum, Bobby Sampson Jr, BreakFree, Cassie Douglas, ceren stoop, Chase Poulin, Chris Wayne, Christoph Gerecke, Chryghton, Devin Delaney, Elora Maxwell, Ernest Bethel, Eventhorizon, Freddy, Grace, Hollis Rhodes, Ira Patole, Jacob Forrester, Jei, Jesse Jr, Titan Edits, Jessie Valladares, Steve The Shark The Great, togger