Small is Beautiful – Growing the Local Food Movement in Dartington / Totnes UK


Welcome to Dartington / Totnes! Here we can experience ‘Small is Beautiful’. Here things are at a more human scale than in many parts of the world. So many of our needs can be met through walking distance. And now we have quite an impressive movement here, a local food movement. And we have the elements that are perfect for a model for the entire world.” ~ Helena Norberg-Hodge, Founder, Local Futures


How can we create more local regenerative food systems?

For answers we can look to the remarkable community of Dartington / Totnes. There we find locavores of all shapes and sizes working together in farming and food enterprises that showcase the delightful taste of South Devon, UK.

With special thanks to the many wonderful people, projects and places of Dartington / Totnes who appear in this story: