My friend Stephen Anderson wrote the score specifically for this video! You can download it in the link above!
You can download the song off iTunes from the video in the link below!
Make sure to check out his website in the link below!
Produced by Noah Hamilton
My friend Noah Hamilton, who was one of the producers for the feature film “Soul Surfer” contacted me to go with him, his sister Bethany Hamilton, and there brother to the Maldives Islands.
You can check out Bethany’s facebook fanpage in the link below. She is AWESOME!…
The Maldives are a chain of Atoll islands right below India. We stayed at several different islands while we were there, but the main one was at Six Senses Laamu. All the “resort” shots were filmed at that location.
Here is a link to their website!! We had an awesome experience there.
I filmed all the other shots of the locals on one of the nearby islands. The people were awesome wherever we went, some of the nicest people I have ever met!
In a couple weeks I will be releasing a youtube video on Bethany Hamiton (Soul Surfer), that we shot in the Maldives islands. When Bethany was younger she was attacked by a shark, loosing one of her arms, but she stayed persistent with her passion for surfing, and she is a professional surfer even to this day. The youtube video I filmed while I was down there will showcase that. That will be released the end of January.
Film was made by Devin Graham
My friend Ben Brooksby color corrected this video. He does it professionally. You can contact him here.
I’m on facebook now!! 🙂…
And don’t forget to add my Twitter! 🙂
As far as the filming of this video goes, here is all the technical info!
Shot on a Canon 5D Mark II
Canon 16-35mm F/2.8 L
Canon 70-200mm F/2.8 L
Canon 8-15mm F/4
As far as making the camera look like it was “flying”, I used a glidecam 2000 HD for all those shots. You can check out the exact model on their official website below where you can also buy them, and I don’t get paid to say that 🙂
I also go over a lot of camera questions I get asked in my blog right below in case you have more questions 🙂
For business enquires ONLY, contact me here: de*************@gm***.com