House of the Sun


Haleakala, “The House of the Sun”
Featured on CBS-NEWS, AOL, Discovery Channel, The Weather Channel, MNN, AOL, Thai-Airways, and in the upcoming feature film, “The Quietest Place on Earth”.
***Some Footage Available in All Formats and Resolutions – Including 1080p, 4k, 5k ***

Follow on Instagram: dan_plugfilms.

On a recent trip to Maui, I had the opportunity to visit the world’s largest dormant volcano – Haleakala. The size of this volcano is massive – Manhattan could fit inside. I’m still in shock at how awesome this place is. Arriving before sunrise, I placed a few cameras out in hopes to capture what people refer to as, “The most beautiful sunrise in the world.” People gather from around the globe to witness this kaleidoscope of shifting colors – known as the “House of the Sun”. My hope is to give you a small glimpse of the energy, excitement and elegance this natural marvel brings.

During my 4 hours of shooting, I captured more than 5,000 images from 4 cameras setup on different motion control systems. I want to thank Jeremy Canterbury from for providing some of the cool new technology that allowed me to capture some of these moving shots. Additional tracking shots were accomplished by using The Genie by Syrp – – a time lapse device that will pan your camera over time or can be used on a track. Finally, thank you to my friend & photographer Matt Givot for all the help with learning time-lapse and also Amber Miller for hiking up to the summit of Haleakala located at an altitude of 10,500 ft at4:30 in the morning.

I hope you enjoy this 2 minute journey into the “House of the Sun”. Music by Audio Machine – Birth,, Instagram: dan_plugfilms, twitter: @plugvideo Dan Douglas