Jamie Janover | Unified Field Theory – Full Length Lecture


Filmed LIVE @ Sonic Bloom 2016 – http://sonicbloomfestival.com/

Jamie Janover is recognized as a true innovator & delegate of the Resonance Academy. He has lectured on Nassim Haramein’s Unified Field Theory across the USA & internationally. Jamie is also a master of the ancient percussion stringed instrument called the hammered dulcimer and even invented and performed on an instrument he calls the “mini-kit” (a miniature amplified drum kit). http://jamiejanover.com/

The Resonance Science Foundation & Resonance Academy is dedicated to advancing the research and education of Unified Physics and the unification of all sciences in alignment with a worldview of interconnection and wholeness. Their mission is to share the scientific knowledge and insights that arise from a unified view of the dynamics of nature and how they can be applied to every area of human endeavor in support of solving the critical systemic challenges we are facing today. http://foundation.resonance.is/

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